Divorce, relocation(s), abortion(s), grief and loss, exposure to violence, s3xual harrassment, comtemplating su1c1de, toxic relationship(s), healing family dynamics(s), friendship breakup(s), workplace manipulation, chronic burnout, back to back health crisis(s)...
In my darkest night(s) of the soul in my life, I have found these lessons of light & truth that have been illuminated each time in my process of healing and recovery, and by sharing these with you, I hope it keeps you going too. Xx
Here are 19 lessons I have humbly gained from all the rock bottom moments in my life...
1) Respecting your own level of safety and capacity is paramount—if someone or a specific situation does not fit the bandwidth and boundaries you are at in that given point while you’re in the midst of a crisis, or you feel pressure and misalignment, IT IS OKAY TO STEP AWAY AND GIVE YOURSELF A BREAK FOR AWHILE.
2) Your relationship with everything and everyone might be challenged or questioned. This is the time you will understand who and what exactly is meant to stay the course. What are lessons, what are blessings. Take this process as refinement and recalibration. Remember YOU’RE A DIAMOND IN THE ROUGH. You’re simply polishing your shine.
3) People can only meet you at the level they have met themselves. You may start to leave connections that don’t bring the form of resonance you need and only gravitate to those who share similar experiences. I know this is a hard one to accept, but we have to respect others for their capacity too and meet them wherever they are at. YOU ARE NOT FOR EVERYONE EITHER.
4) Not everyone will understand your process or have empathy or compassion for what you’re going through. Some may even project their judgements and opinions based off their limited perspective (because they very likely haven’t experienced what you’ve experienced or it might look different for them as well). DON’T TAKE IT PERSONALLY. They just don’t have the capacity or perspective to, and it’s okay too.
5) YOUR INNER PEACE IS EVERYTHING. You’re healing, you’re transforming, you’re growing, you’re expanding. It is a tender time for you. Give yourself permission to only allow softness into your life. Anything that shakes your inner peace is too much for you to handle and saying “NO” to those things does not make you an inadequate person.
6) YOU ARE NOT BROKEN. You might have gotten hurt or feel tired along the way, but you are INHERENTLY WHOLE AND DIVINE as you are. Time will heal your wounds, allow time and patience to be your best companion. Whatever that can withstand the test of time is WORTHY AND DESERVING, and without a doubt MEANT FOR YOU.
7) It is important and necessary to FEEL IT ALL—to honour and embrace every part of your process. Bypassing it will only lead to unresolved stuff surfacing later. You might as well do the work NOW and your future Self will thank you later.
8) You don’t need a lot in your life when you hit rock bottom, but what is essential are SAFE ENOUGH SPACES like a sacred corner in a current home for solace, frequent favourite hangout places, trusted friends you can confide in, nourishing food, sunlight, and continuing to pursue your interests makes all the difference.
9) It is important to SEEK OUT SUPPORT, ALOT OF IT—don’t be afraid to reach out to as many friends as you need to, try out various forms of alternative healing modalities, search for helplines, pro-bono or affordable legal services, or wellbeing-focused spaces to ensure you have sufficient professional and dedicated care. It does not make you weak, but strong to ask for help instead of staying stuck in hyperindependence.
10) At the end of the day, the only person who can save you is YOURSELF. You have to take full responsibility to take care of yourself even if it means doing one small tasks each day—like making sure you eat well, listening to some music or going for a walk outside.
11) Practice patience and compassion for Self and Others. You’re going through ALOT. Give yourself permission to go gentle, take breaks, cut down on heavier commitments, or anything that feels too strenuous for your state of wellbeing. Going slow is essential for your process of healing and recovery.
12) Celebrate the little wins. A lot of times we tend to focus only on the negatives (I definitely have the tendency for it) and fail to count every step of our progress, which will amount up to a BIG QUANTUM LEAP at the end if you look back in retrospective.
13) YOU WILL SURVIVE. It is in our human nature to survive the toughest conditions. We are made to withstand ALOT. You are much stronger than you know it. You will make it out alive and give yourself the chance to begin again.
14) Take every obstacle as a SURE GAIN of a lesson or two about yourself and life. Growth happens especially in the midst of discomfort. The more discomfort you go through, the more equipped you are at being a master of the wildest seas.
15) You will only get better at navigating future storms—learning about the tides and undercurrents, familiarising yourself with how to read the weather and knowing how to operate your ship inside out will definitely help you to BETTER STEER yourself out of another sea battle if it arise. You are always wiser than before.
16) NOTHING IS PERMANENT, YET EVERYTHING IS ETERNAL. Your suffering will end, if you take steps to break the cycle. Everything that has happened stays with you forever. Every act of showing up will propel you forward, while collecting memories from the past. And as dark as it seems and you can’t see the light or feel any warmth, every move in your journey makes it special, and you will arrive closer to the light at the end of the tunnel with an EPIC STORY to tell.
17) One day it will all be WORTH IT AT THE END. You might not know all the answers and have everything all figured out. But the beauty of not-knowing is in the present moment of cherishing what is in front of you. And remember this: Where you are now is always where your past self wanted you to be. ;)
18) GOD’S PRESENCE IS EVERYWHERE—God is found in the profound infinite strength within you in holding yourself through it all, in the awakening wisdom from what’s falling apart in order to fall into place, the unexpected support shown your way, the food and provision you receive each day, in the tears you shed, the deep sacred rage you express, the exhaustion that is telling you to rest, in every living cell of your body that is keeping you alive in the midst of the rubble, in each breath you take with every chance to live another moment.
19) YOU ARE UNIQUELY YOU through your shifting seasons, in your ever changing your alchemical states, in your full spectrum of expressions. ALL OF YOU IS GOD’S WORK IN THE MAKING. And all of you and your process, is sacred. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL IN YOUR ENTIRETY.
I am gifting SGD28 CNY Ang Pow which you can use to enjoy my 1:1 offerings this lunar new year, if you feel like you are in need of some kind of check in to steer you ahead with the clarity and empowerment you need–whether it is through a year ahead reading, energy healing session, and astrology insight, or a soul coaching session.
CODE: HUATMY2025 upon to take SGD28 off*.
*For services of a minimum of SGD250.
*Valid till 31 Jan 2025 only.
We hope that this CNY Ang Pow could help you to gain a dose of healing, wisdom and boost to as a kickstart to 2025! Xx