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Join date: Mar 14, 2021


Janel is a strong & natural intuitive with a lineage of spiritual practitioners in her ancestry.

Though she started her card reading journey only in 2017 where she purchased her first deck in the middle of her Dark Night of the Soul wanting desperately to find some form of inner guidance, she was able to quickly grasp the ideology behind psychic tools like tarot & oracle reading. She started this practice in tandem with Usui Reiki healing. 

She took a leap of faith to open up tarot oracle consultations to her community in Jan 2021, and since then she has conducted over >1000 of readings for soul clients. She went ahead to strengthen her theory in tarot from Health & Harmony Colleges Australia through her Holistic Counselling training and continued her self-studies from The Tarot Guide

Janel's style of tarot reading is best known to provide you with a sense of sharp clarity & inner resolution, directing each querent back to their own inner wisdom.  

She combines her background in humanistic-based psychology and always delivers messages that best aligns to every querent's individual present circumstances, while offering practical guidance which can provide objective actionable steps to navigating their unique situation.  

It is Janel's aim to equip modern day readers with an approach that serves the present unfolding of a collective awakening to Higher Consciousness.  

The goal of SoulEarthRising’s PSYCHOIC Tarot Practitioner Course is to share not just the fundamentals of tarot teachings, but also a heart & soul-based client-centered approach combined with professional tips like upholding boundaries & how to honour your craft as a practitioner, to bring about a more meaningful journey as a tarot reader while impacting positive change & transformations for yourself, loved ones & clients.  Janel's style of tarot reading is best known to provide you with a sense of sharp clarity & inner resolution, directing each querent back to their own inner wisdom.  

She combines her background in humanistic-based psychology and always delivers messages that best aligns to every querent's individual present circumstances, while offering practical guidance which can provide objective actionable steps to navigating their unique situation.  

It is Janel's aim to equip modern day readers with an approach that serves the present unfolding of a collective awakening to Higher Consciousness.  

The goal of SoulEarthRising’s PSYCHOIC Tarot Practitioner Course is to share not just the fundamentals of tarot teachings, but also a heart & soul-based client-centered approach combined with professional tips like upholding boundaries & how to honour your craft as a practitioner, to bring about a more meaningful journey as a tarot reader while impacting positive change & transformations for yourself, loved ones & clients.  

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Soulearthrising Singapore

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