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I am starting 2025 in the frequency of Forgiveness……

With the first full moon of the year welcoming us in Cancer, I’ve just been taking the first part of 2025 slow, soft, tender, gentle and compassionate…

Having my Chiron in Cancer, this particular lunation has just been about really feeling my f-e-e-l-i-n-g-s… 🥲❤️‍🩹 

As the moon waxed into full illumination, I found myself plunging deep into the root source of my own pain and suffering leading up to this recent full moon. While I’ve been crying a lot over the last 3 years and the tears don’t seem to stop flowing, each time my body releases, she opens up a new portal of healing within~

This moon cycle was all about understanding how my loops of pain have been trying to show me exactly what my soul has been starved of:

• Getting 100% radically honest and real about what my needs are

• No longer ignoring my internal cries and waves for the love and support my little child has been yearning for

• No more downplaying how I have unintentionally suppressed my own truth and integrity out of fear of disapproval

...which has been energetically blocking me from showing up in alignment and full authenticity

This Full Moon in Cancer, I return to the practice of Forgiveness… forgiving all the past versions of who I was who didn’t know better 🤍

Here are 12 ways I practise forgiving myself to start 2025 with softness...

1) I forgive myself for all the times I have failed to connect deeply or listen intently to the parts that have been vying for my love and attention.

2) I forgive myself for all the times I have not understood myself enough to know exactly what my needs and desires are and to ask for them to be met with love and understanding.

3) I forgive myself for all the times I felt powerless, when I struggled to set firm boundaries, and naively gave my power away to those who only knew how to take from me.

4) I forgive myself for all the times I pretended to be okay when I’m not–hiding and masking my pain through external unhealthy forms of coping mechanisms as means of escaping from pain.

5) I forgive myself for all the years of overworking to the point of burnout, not knowing how to say “no” to toxic workplace expectations or even to my own self-imposed demands to “perform” or be “productive”.

6) I forgive myself for all the times I struggled to take care of my body, womb, mind, heart, soul–causing detriments to my system and not knowing how to nourish them well.

7) I forgive myself for subconsciously hurting others through my words, actions (or lack of), big intense emotional outbursts, unintentionally projecting the wounds of my pain and never getting the chance to say "I'm sorry"...

8) I forgive myself for being hard to love sometimes–for being quick to react or being easily sensitive, carrying my sword and armour just so I can be on my guard, letting these defence mechanisms protect myself and preventing others from reaching me.

9) I forgive myself for being stuck in survival mode at times, where my capacity was only limited to making sure I could stay alive day after day through challenging seasons.

10) I forgive myself for not having enough capacity for others the way I wish I could, nor find the strength within me to be there for them in spite of my own struggles.

11) I forgive myself for being so hard on myself, for speaking to my own consciousness through harsh narratives, carrying the pressure of needing to be something more than who I already am right now, which is more than already enough.

12) I forgive myself for not being able to love me fully for me–for seeing my wounds as parts unlovable, my shadows as shameful, for only defining myself through my hardships and setbacks, for not being able to see the unique light, beauty, power, and gift I am to the world.


Practising empathy, compassion and kindness for my wounded shadowy parts has allowed me to expand my own muscles to hold myself through many difficult painful moments where the only source of light found in the dark was realising this profound sense of power to contain it all, like how Mother Earth contains her own Ocean.

This ability of containment has helped me to in turn reflect the same level of forgiveness towards those who have inadvertently hurt me, whether or not they are aware of it.

So this Full Moon in Cancer I forgive.

I forgive my Father, my Mother, 
my sisters, my brothers, old friends, 
ex-lovers, my first husband, even 
space holders who no longer felt like 
they could be there for me.

I forgive those who couldn’t be there when I needed them to.
I forgive those who didn’t know how to love me the way I needed to.
I forgive those who don’t have what it takes to understand, see, or hear me out.

Most importantly I forgive myself for not believing in my own power to be there for me when I have been ALL ALONG, and for honouring where I am to not be able to be there for others the way they wish for me to in return.

This Cancer season
I forgive ALL of me
I forgive ALL of you
I forgive ALL of us

I am enough
You are enough
We will always always be enough 
for one another

“I love you.”
To myself
And to you too.


Let’s start 2025 softly together. Here’s a series of bundles on how you can ease into the year with kindness, harnessing the inner strength gained from last year to pave your way to calling in your desires:

1️⃣ RELEASE & RENEW COACHING 🌊 - A mini healing bundle: Break the loops of persisting pain & invoke the frequency of peace within

2️⃣ MAGNIFESTATION RITUAL 🌟 - A virtual ceremony: Receive the keycodes to manifesting magnetizing your soul’s desires

3️⃣ ASTROSOUL INSIGHTS 🪐 - A 12-month astro forecast: Equip yourself with the knowledge of the starts & steer your path through the power of lunation themes

CODE: SOFT2025 to enjoy a special 30% off the bundle and save up to SGD333*!

Full details & click our Link in Bio for more.

*Valid for first 5 bookings.
*Promo code valid till the first new moon of the year on CNY, 29 Jan 2025!
*Monthly payment plans available.

Refer to these links below for the full details and to book.

We hope that these offerings may potentially support you in easing and regaining your inner strength & power, so that you can conquer and co-create in 2025!

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