2025 Personal AstroTarot Soul Insights
New year guidance according to your unique natal blueprint on how to navigate the year with wisdom
Service Description
PATH TO NEW PARADIGM Was 2024 a year of trials and transformation? Did it feel like a year filled with progression and regression all at the same time? Was it somewhat of a challenging and out of your typical comfort zone kind of experience? 2024 was a symbolic year of the number 8, a year of expansion and also clearing our karmic cycles. With 2025 just around the corner, this will look like a year of even more final completions and closures of old chapters, with the year 9 signifying endings and beckoning of new seasons of stark changes and refreshing ways of living. Pluto moving into Aquarius in the beginning of 2024 was a significant yet important initiation for the next 20 years to many other ushering of subsequent transformations that the collective truly need, as well as on all of our individual levels. In 2025... first Pluto continues through Aquarius, both Neptune and Saturn goes into Aries, Jupiter ingresses from Gemini into Cancer and finally, Uranus enters Gemini. Themes around breaking conventions continue to pursue, lessons and unresolved karmic loops and our faith in spirituality nudges us to take full sovereignty on our personal paths, the way we evolve, expand and grow goes into a space of deep healing of wounds in multidimensional forms, and the way we think and how we wish to truly show up from a space of true soul alignment will be questioned in every aspect. It is time to take full responsibility in the co-creation of our future and the kind of reality we wish to show up to in these innovative time and age. *Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) + Virgo, Pisces, Aquarius and Gemini will be affected the most. This personal report and guidance session includes: • A full year monthly rundown of personal key themes to work through in accordance to major astrological transits / eclipses / retrograde periods • Major astrological events in 2025 and what will surface for you in accordance to your unique natal blueprint • Thorough breakdown of each retrograde period for ALL planets in accordance to your chart blueprint • Highlights eclipse periods and what you have to personally look out for • A tarot reading to zoom in on areas you wish to focus on (Choose between: career, relationships, family , personal growth, health, etc.) Note: Session will be recorded over Zoom which is downloadable. A personal astro insight of 2025 will also be sent to you prior to your call.
Cancellation Policy
To cancel or reschedule, please contact us minimally 48 hours in advance.